Who invented money || Who invented car || Who invented jet plane || Tech knowledge 2

Who invented money || Who invented car || Who invented jet plane || Tech knowledge 2

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Our today’s topics are as follow----
·         Who invented paper money?????
·         Who invented Car?????
·         Who invented jet plane????

Let’s start

1}   Invention of money…..

                  We all know money is very important for us.  If money is not there then life would not be exists.   This modern world works on money.  All people need money for their existence of life. People depend on money. 

Do you ever think who invented paper money if not please read the answer given below: ---

functions of money 6,600 $0.00 0 types of money 4,400 $0.00 0 what is money in economics 1,300 $0.08 0.01 uses of money 1,000 $0.05 0.07 forms of money
The first paper money was probably used in 1024, China. In Europe paper money was first issued in 14883 in Spain when there was a shortage of coins.  The fact was that the increasing trade increased the value of money. It was not possible to carry out a large amount of heavy coins. There banks began to keep coins and to issue receipts for them. These were valid means of payment. They give there owner the right to demand the corresponding amount of coins from the bank at any time. Similarly today we have plastic ATM cards to issued by the banks that can be used  for money withdrawal and other types of transactions.

After reading this I hope you all have understood. Now coming to our next part that is about cars..

Read my previous post---


2} who invented car??? 

                         In today’s world many automobile companies manufactures cars. Cars are becoming the family members of people. Do you know who invented the car?? If not, please read the answer given below; -----
                  Karl Friedrich Benz, a German engineer, designed and built the world first car.   In 1815, he integrated a combustion engine and an electrical ignition in a three wheeled carriage, which moves by itself.  A four wheeled automobile was developed by Goteborg Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach.  Around 1900 the serial production of cars started.  The car factory established by HENRY FORD, started assembling of cars. 
This was all about the invention of cars.

3) Who invented jet planes??????

jet plane
jet plane

    Jet planes are very fast. They play a very important role in the army of a nation. They are the right hand of a nation. The question arises that since when do we have get plane..
The answer is
 The first jet plane was ascended in 1939. This was German, HE 178, named after its inventor Ernst Heinkel. The mechanism was designed by the physicist HANS von Ohain and the engineer sir Frank Whittle.  Jets of combustion gases shoot backwards thus thrusting the engine and the aircraft forwards. Jet planes are much faster then an ordinary plane.

Read my previous post---

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