How to make document attractive and professional…

make document attractive
make document attractive

My dear viewers,   I welcome you all to my blog. Today I am going to tell you how do you make your document attractive and professional??   
There are various types of problems faced by the user to make their document professional and also attractive. So, in this post, I am going to tell you how to make any document attractive and professional??


The software that you should use is MS word.  It is one of the best and widely used software by the people.

Let’s start making the Document professional

What are the tools present in the software to make the document more attractive??

    ·       PICTURES
  • ·       DROP CAP

  1. ·       SMART ART

·       THEMES
  • ·       FONTS
  • ·       PAGE BORDERS
  • ·       HEADINGS
  • ·       PAGE NUMBERS
  • ·       HEADERS

  • ·       FOOTERS


So, these were some important points you should take into the point before writing a document.

  1. 1)  PICTURES

uppose you are writing a document and trying to make it attractive then, you must use Pictures because they are that part of your document that tells everything.  A person can understand your document with only watching the pictures.  So, pictures are very important. They can be used to give the idea of your document. They may also be used to give a comparison like I am giving in the image.

Look at the image 

make document attractive
make document attractive
make document attractive
make document attractive

There are a lot of differences between image1 and image 2.
Now comes,

        2)  DROP CAP

It is one of the most important factors in making your document professional and attractive. It helps people to interact with your Document. It also helps to make the presentation of your document beautiful. It is the initial step of making the document attractive. I have also told this tool in another post click here.

Look at the image for comparison.

make document attractive
make document attractive

make document attractive
make document attractive Drop cap 

    3)   SMART ART

It also plays an important role in making your document attractive. Suppose your client does want to read your article then by using this tool you can attract your client. This tool helps to understand any kind of procedure, steps involving in any kind of process. This is one of the best ways to attract and astound your client.
Look at the image on this tool.
Make document attractive
Make document attractive SmartArt

    4)  THEMES

It is not much required. But still, you are lacking something is Themes. This makes the document somehow, attractive. There are various types of themes present in MS word. 

       5)  FONTS

Fonts decide the capacity to attract the client. As much as, you use good fonts, your document will look attractive. Font sets a link between your client and your document. By using fonts you can make your document more attractive and professional.  You can use different fonts according to the situation.


Look at the image… 

Make document attractive
Make document attractive; fonts

     6)  PAGE BORDER

Page borders also, contribute to making the document attractive.  They help to make your document professional. There are various types of page borders present in MS word.  What type of page border you must use? You should use a simple page border. Have a glimpse on the image to see the page borders.
page borders
page borders Make document attractive.

     7)   Use Proper Headings

Headings are very important in your document. This will help your client to know what the topic is about.  You must use headings, subheadings, and minor headings. It is one of the most important factors that decide your document topic.  If you use proper headings, then your client can see the topics and can understand your document. Really, Heading may make your document amazing and astounding.

Use headings-- how to make document attractive.
Use headings-- how to make document attractive. 



Page numbers are very important for your document. By using the page numbers you ensure proper sequence of your pages of the document. It makes the continuity of your document.

     9)  Headers and footers

Headers and footers will help your client to know the topic which he is reading.  See the image.


You may make use of WaterMark so that no- one can steal your document.  It also looks impressive. Suppose a situation where, your clients are having various types of document, and he wants to find your document, then he can find your documents by seeing on watermark if you have used. If you have not used the watermark then he would not be able to find to your document and get irritated and he might cancel your project, so the conclusion is this you must use Water Mark in your document. 

Look at the image.

   11 ) PAGE COLOR

Page color is not much important but you may use it. According to your page color, you can choose your text colors, headings color, Watermark color, bullets and many more. 


You can add a footnote to your document in making it attractive. Footnotes are used to give a small notification at the end of the page. If you want to give a note at the end of the page then you can use footnotes.
 how to make document attractive.
 how to make document attractive. 

    13) COVER PAGE

This is also very important. This attracts your client. This is the front page of your document. This includes the date, day, the title of your document, year and many more.

Have a glimpse of the image…


     14) Charts
If you want to give a comparison between two things then you can make use of charts. Charts include various types of graphs which help to make the document attractive and professional and also to give a comparison between two things.

 15)  Finally, your document is ready---
See the images of my document.

 how to make document attractive.

 how to make document attractive. 

 how to make document attractive.
 how to make document attractive. 

Conclusion— creating the document attractive is very complex. After reading this post you can make your document more attractive and professional.


  1. It also plays an important role in making your document attractive. Suppose your client does want to read your article then by using this tool you can attract your client. This tool helps to understand any kind of procedure, steps involving in any kind of process. This is one of the best ways to attract and astound your client. black and red salwar kameez , black and white salwar suit


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